I work with some of the most successful Business Owners selling Premium Offers…
and I'm asked ALL THE TIME...

“What’s the #1 Secret to Selling Ultra-Premium Offers in This Unpredictable Economy?”

And I want to share that SECRET with you...
On my new masterclass.



I will be showing you exactly what we and other Iconic companies have done to create multi-millions and a waiting list of clients paying ultra-premium fees... yes, I am talking 100k plus in ONE deal. And yes, I mean right now in 2025...

What a few years, huh?

For a vast majority of business owners, it was a straight-up horror:

Hundreds of thousands of once-promising companies had to shut down… And those who were lucky enough to survive took significant financial hits.

It has to be one of the most difficult periods of our lifetime.
And the worst part is… 

Nobody knows what’s around the corner.

Maybe we survived.

But then again… 

Maybe this was just the beginning and the worst is yet to come.

The suspense is getting unbearable.
And while 99% of the planet is dreading what tomorrow might hold… 

There Is ONE Type of Businesses That Is Absolutely Thriving in 2025

…And WE PREDICT WILL Keep Thriving in 2026 and beyond
I’m talking about experts and brands selling PREMIUM offers to PREMIUM clients:

Those elite-level businesses selling premium offers at high-end prices.

They didn’t take a hit in 2022.  Nor in 2023.  Definitely not in 2024... and certainly not now.

Quite the opposite actually… 

They are charging higher prices than before.

And most importantly, they’ve been producing their all-time best work and creating even more extraordinary impact all year.

I know this because…

Over the Past 8 Years, I’ve Helped Hundreds of People Turn Their Expertise Into Iconic Businesses

Hi, my name is Kathryn Porritt.

But most people know me as the “$100K Offer” strategist.

I help my clients go from mainstream to premium.

And start charging $100k, $250k, or even $1M for their offers (some have even landed 40 and 63m deals)...

...By simply saying NO to low-end, low-quality clients.

…And going after the most elite clients instead.
That’s the reason why PREMIUM businesses haven’t been affected by the current situation:
Their clients aren’t timid Average Joes trying to save every cent should the worst happen… 

But high-achievers, trend-setters, and millionaires who know that times like this are an opportunity to step up their game.

Elite clients are looking to invest anywhere from $100k to $1M in a truly transformative offer that will move the needle… 

So those few mavericks who can give them THAT are doing better than ever.

So to confirm my thesis, Here are a few screenshots of my clients celebrating their premium offers being sold...

Listen, I hear you...

Everything that used to work is getting harder now, isn't it?

Your funnels are falling flat.

Your content isn't converting.

And those leads that do come in? They're taking forever to make decisions.

Here's what nobody's telling you: 

This isn't just a "tough market."

You see, the market is basically split into three segments:

→ High-volume, low-margin players (like Amazon)
→ Middle market businesses (probably where you are now)
→ Ultra-premium providers (where the real money is)

Why are you choosing to compete in the segment that's actively collapsing?

There's a different option... 

The transition to Premium.

I decided to share the strategy with you for free...

MASTERCLASS Online Event Called
You Can Watch it now for FREE

Give Me Just a Couple of Hours and I'll Hand You the Blueprint that has Grown Wildly Impactful Premium Business

By the time we are done, you will discover how my clients are be able to...
  • Position Themselves as a Premium, One-of-a-Kind Solution Within Their Niche and Make Competition Irrelevant
  • Build a Brand That Attracts and Resonates ONLY With High-End Clients (and Disqualifies Everyone Else)
  • Start Charging $100K+ for Their Offers - and Actually Get It, Without Any “Are You Crazy?” Looks
  • Work With a Few Hand-Selected Clients Who Value Their Expertise - Instead of 1000s+ Mediocre Clients Giving Them Headaches
  • Stop Chasing Mainstream Clients… Take Care of Their Finances With Just ONE Client… And Then Focus All Their Time and Effort on Producing Their Best Work
...and more
"Play in the big leagues"
“Kathryn is the best marketing mind that I have ever worked with in 25 years of running businesses."

Eric Lochtefeld

Kathryn Porritt

Founder & CEO icoNIC EMPIRE

Kathryn Porritt is the world’s leading strategist on applying a Luxury business model to brands. She works privately with some of the most exciting entrepreneurs on the planet to help them develop their disruptive legacy, creating audacious impact, million dollar offers and their dynastic masterpiece.

More than a Business Strategist, Kathryn has a background in entrepreneurship herself, having founded and run two multi-million dollar global companies, authored a book with Penguin-Viking and revolutionized luxury branding and marketing with her Intentional Marketing and Hyper-Targeting processes. Her company, Icons Incorporated, represents firebrand business owners who create disruptive legacies and powerful personal brands. 

Kathryn helps her clients create a full ecosystem of offers including luxury and premium packages, passive offers and leveraged offers, as well as supporting them to create massive impact through their speaking, media, networking and publishing opportunities.

Join her in this brand new Masterclass where she shares what is working with her companies and how she created a waiting list of clients and such enormous momentum, and the empire building plans for 2025, so you can be inspired for your own business.
"1M in two offers - done!"
“My original dream was to have a Family Office. This is accelerating now into reality. In the last two weeks, we have signed TWO clients at $500K each. So, we've just secured $1M in highly profitable, booked revenue.”


"I changed a lot of people’s lives, but my bank account didn’t show it… until I met Kathryn!"
"I had changed a lot of people’s lives, but my bank account didn’t show it. Kathryn and her program were the missing pieces. In just a few months I’ve gotten all the value back from the program. Ironically, I coach other people in ways similar to what Kathryn coaches on, but I found I can't coach myself!

I’ve worked with some of the top marketers in the world, such as Seth Godin, Tim Ferris, Gary Vaynerchuk… and Kathryn and her team deliver as much, if not more value.

If you're somebody who can say “I do awesome work” … “I do great things” … “I know I‘m meant to do more to fulfill my destiny to live an actualized life, and the thing that’s holding me back is… myself” then you need the right guidance. You need great coaching. You need the greatness that Kathryn and her team can help you achieve."


"I Sold a $111K Pay in Full Offer"
“I had my first ever yes for a $111K pay in full. He's beyond excited and I sent him details of his bespoke transformational experience. This whole process to get to this point was incredibly liberating and I feel SO excited for all the other clients too as I know how to have DREAM transformational experiences for my clients.”

Stacey… Life Transformation Strategist

"A Lead Role, $25K and $50K In One Week!"
“Just wanted to share some good news from all this work we are doing here. I just booked a lead role in another film and have an offer for a TV show as well, all on the same day! In the past two weeks after finishing "The Personal Style Guide" I've booked a new photo shoot, have gotten new headshot photos done, made a $25k offer and a $50k offer to two different clients and am being flown down to Miami to be a special guest at a magazine party. Thank you Kathryn Porritt, your team and everyone here who continues to inspire me which has helped create all this abundance!” 

Colin EGGLESFIELD… Movie Star & Charisma Coach

"Working With Kathryn Will Change Your Life."
“I was just trying to navigate a world of the mass market, and I was “successful”, but knowing I was the best in the world at what I did, I absolutely knew I was not reaching my possibilities completely. Now, I am charging hundreds of thousands in each transaction thanks to you, Kathryn. I have such an audacious vision of what I want to do in the world, and I feel so much confidence and so much alignment that now just attracts people to me automatically. You’re some crazy magician, Kathryn. I am so glad I found you.” 



I will be showing you exactly what we and other Iconic companies have done to create multi-millions and a waiting list of clients paying ultra-premium fees... yes, I am talking 100k plus in ONE deal. And yes, I mean right now in 2025...

Disclaimer: My role is to support and assist you in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. I cannot predict and I do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this Website. You are solely responsible for your results.
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